Monday, 9 February 2015

TV Advert Analysis

1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    You have made a good start here and you have learnt to use Prezi well. However, the presentation is full of spelling and grammatical errors and it seems to have been rushed in places - it certainly has not been checked through!

    To improve:
    - check spelling, punctuation and grammar throughout
    - lots more needed on audience, e.g., who / what type of person would buy fairtrade? use your audience terms (you say the advert is for younger audiences and mention children but do they know about / care about fairtrade?)
    - you say that animation has less angles than a realist narrative... check this
    - lots more needed on camera angles (and shot types, editing, sound, graphics etc)
    - what else do trees and clouds (outdoors) make us think of?
    - your Ofcom information isn't quite right and you need more of it
    - print screen relevant sections of the ASA code
    - add a reference list.

