Tuesday, 3 February 2015

TV advent final evaluation

As a class we studied Unilever and its products and some of their previous advertisements. We analysed these and looked at their pros and cons and who they are targeting, we were then given a product and had to re-band it and start a new advertisement campaign.

My group had all studied Ben and Jerry's and we presented our idea to each other and had a vote to decide which one we would go ahead with, we decided to use Movie moments as our idea, this consisted of creating movie themed ice cream and using puns from the films in the advert. The current target audience is people between the ages of 17-27 and we aim to reach higher ages but also keeping it with the primary audience.

To collect feedback be played our advert to the whole class and asked them to give at least two positive and two negative comments, we also asked them to choose between the Canadian and British voice over of the still at the end. We also used the free survey creating site called survey monkey to create a survey to gather feedback from our advert. The responses can be seen in my power point below. As a group we tried to focus on our target audience and from the results we gained from the survey that shows they believed the target audience was young adults. Some of the responses even suggested that the audience was movie lovers and this is very precise to our target audience, so overall we see this as a success.

With the script, camera work and mise-en-scene we tried to keep it as simple as possible. Doing this could come at a risk and could back fire and in some respects it did. The class was very quick to point out that lighting was not at a good level and could improve, I agreed with this but on the student budget we couldn't afford quality lighting gear which we needed. Instead we tried to make the lighting calmer by using candles but it didn't really work as you can see in the picture bellow.    

We used a very little range of shots in our advert and these were shot using a tripod and this alternatively put focus on the actors and dialogue rather than the cinematography. Me and Stuart wore very casual clothing and we used low lighting to try and create a younger men having a night in watching a movie. But on the other hand with the sound we overlay multiple sound files to try and create a background that sounded like a movie, some of the responses showed that they liked it others found it too distracting and over powering. With editing people found that our shots lasted too long and found it hard to stay focused, this could have been improved by adding more cuts and maybe more shots from different angels but by the time we noticed this the  filming deadline had ended.

This advert does sell the product but I believe we could of done it better. From my point of view you can't tell what the advert is selling from the start till the end because there is no reference to Ben and Jerry's till the last still shot seen bellow. We originally planned to have Ben and Jerry's tubs with the flavours on them which I created on Photoshop but because of a price limit we could only afford one tub of Ben and Jerry's and decided to leave the idea and eat the ice cream out of bowls. Showing the product would have portrayed what the advert is about sooner and would of added a more comedic side.

We tried to reach out to many different people, we used the movie themed ice cream to appeal more to the younger 'hipster' group but also keep the older audience in our range. We did this by looking using newer films and also older films to appeal to the older audience. The advert sold our product but like I said earlier it could of been improved buy showing our product from the start. Being an advert it had to comply with the BCAP code and advertisement regulations. Studying this is the last assignment helped us understand and has a god amount of knowledge on the subject. For example we did not refer to the product as giving you general benefits. "13.4.3 References to general benefits of a nutrient or food for overall good health or health-related well-being are acceptable only if accompanied by a specific authorized health claim". Another regulation we had to look at in the BCAP code is under section 3 and states that the 'advertisements must not mislead or be likely to do so'. Because of this we focused or just Ben and Jerry's and using the film puns to show that it is movie orientated. 

Overall the advert went well but I agree that it could have been better. We were able to keep on track with the production schedule and finished before the deadlines. We all agreed that the lighting could have been better and we could have taken more shots but we only really noticed this at the end on editing. From the audience feedback I can agree with the productive criticism. When filming we tried to follow the storyboard but when filming we improvised a little more and took a range on shots and didn't stick to the storyboard.  

BCAP code:


  1. Dan,

    You have made a good start and you've covered everything necessary. To improve we need more detail and specific examples; go through the advert and link feedback and personal reflections to it and then screenshot the advert to prove your points. The post should be full of examples based on your feedback. You should also embed both adverts since you discuss them both.

    Just read through the post again and ensure you have added as much detail and as many media terms as possible too.

