No words
In this clip backing sound is used perfectly to fit the
scene. There are very little shots and each shot is dragged out to create emotion,
they also use close ups to capture the emotion on the ladies face. In the first
shot there is dark shadow and the light above the lady is flickering to connote
darkness and fear. This clip really sticks out to me because it is an awkward
story shown in an amazing way and it is so powerful it could be used to raise
awareness on abuse/sexual assault.
Above as below
This is really hard hitting film, the soldiers facial
expressions explains the whole situation. The way that they used dark clouds
and mise-en-scene with the blood and it turning the water red really connotes
the true horror of war. I picked this clip because it sends such a powerful
message without words and teaches people what the D-day landers where like.
The peace of wild
This clip is amazing! The way they use black and white in
this clip in amazing, it makes the wide shots look ever more amazing. In the
background there is a narrator explaining the story in a sort of Morgan Freeman
way. The wide shots of the landscape fit perfectly with the voice over and the
story of a baby growing to a man. They also use a lot of tombstone shots which
look amazing with the great scenery.
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